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Avocado Leaf Tea 40 Gr


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  • SK-195
  • "Avocado Leaf Avocado Leaf, an organic product that helps to lose weight thanks to the Glutathion enzyme, a fat-burning antioxidant it contains, also has an anti-aging feature. Teas made with avocado leaves have recently become the favorite of those who want to lose weight in a healthy way. The benefits of avocado leaf are not only on weakening, delaying aging. The most important effect, which has also been proven by scientists, is that it slows down the reproduction of cancer cells. Benefits of Avocado Leaf Tea
    • If consumed regularly every day, it helps to eliminate kidney inflammations.
    • It also helps to dissolve kidney stones and get rid of them.
    • It is also recommended to be consumed by patients with gallstones.
    • Provides removal of urinary tract infections.
    • It also prevents prostate enlargement.
    • It also has a great effect on the stomach.
    • It is beneficial to consume by those suffering from ulcers and gastritis.
    • Avocado leaf, which is rich in B6 and potassium, should be consumed especially to gain minerals lost by pregnant women.
    You can order avocado leaf tea, which is frequently preferred among herbal teas, or you can examine our other herbal teas."

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