"Highland Sage
Sage is the most widely used medicinal herb. Especially in winter, drinking tea by brewing provides healing. Our company has collected sage, which it sells in bunches, from high plateaus. The collected sage is carefully dried and packaged. Price options are suitable for organic food prices.
Benefits of Sage
Sage strengthens the immune system with its rich minerals. It is the only herb that has estrogen in it. It relieves menstrual pain and makes your periods regular. It prevents stress with its relaxing and relaxing effect. It regulates digestion and facilitates digestion. It clears the respiratory tract. It softens the throat. It is the indispensable tea of the winter months. Its aroma and taste have a relaxing effect. Consuming a cup every day is beneficial. Our company delivers this healing from nature to your home. If you take care to consume organic and local foods, you are at the right address."