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Mebrum Medine Hurması 250 Gr


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  • SK-037-250
  • Medina Dates Calories and Nutritional Values When the Medina date, which must be consumed at least 3 times a day and has incredible benefits for the body as a result of this consumption, is bought from unreliable sales points, various problems may arise. For this reason, our site makes its sales as certified in order to gain the trust of customers. Customers who want to request products from dates or other dried fruit varieties by contacting our site can also benefit from our service to get information about the product from the live support unit. In addition, other users of our site are openly shared in the comments they have made so that our customers can see our service quality. Medina Date;
    • Contains 160 kcal calories
    • 45 gr. Carbs
    • 4,5 gr. Fiber
    • 0.2 g Fat
    • Contains 380 mg of Potassium.
    Medina Date Benefits Medina date, which contains vitamins A, B, C and various vitamins, also eliminates the risk of cancer when consumed regularly. It is very important for people to have a better quality of life that this product, which is heart and vascular friendly, also strengthens the bones. Medina date, which is an alternative treatment method recommended for those who have problems in their sexual life, is very useful for pregnant women. Our site, which offers the sale of date varieties with many benefits such as these, to its customers completely naturally, does not make its customers aggrieved in the delivery of the product.

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