Hand-Painted Whirling DervishTambourine – 25 cm (9.8 inches)Sufi Art Decorative Frame Drum
This 25 cm (9.8 inches)hand-painted tambourine beautifully captures the spiritual essence of the Whirling Dervishesin a mesmerizing Sufi dance scene. The intricate artwork showcases two dervishes in traditional attire, dancing in front of an Ottoman architectural motif. The soft earthy tones and elegant green and red details give this piece a timeless, mystical appeal. Whether used as a musical instrument or as an artistic wall decoration, it is perfect for those who appreciate Islamic and Sufi art, making it an excellent cultural gift or home decor piece.
Ottoman Calligraphy
Traditionally, this highly ornamental writing technique was used in court writings, decrees, Korans, and other eminent manuscripts. Calligraphic art dates to the 10th-century Uighur Turks, and had been perfected by the 17th-century rule of Suleiman the Magnificent. At that time, a special school of calligraphy was established in the Topkapi Palace. But the advent of the printing press made scribes obsolete, and the Topkapi is now a museum. In 1983, however, Turkish Fine Arts faculties began reviving interest; now traditional writing is making a comeback. Yurdan proudly features the newest generation of calligraphic and gilding artists. Be sure to click on detail photos to appreciate their fantastic artwork. In this department you will find Islamic, Ottoman, & Turkish Calligraphies.